Saturday, September 10, 2011

grasak grusuk

Senin kemarin, pas mau pulang sekitar jam 5an, jalan dengan langkah gontai karena pagi udah bawa tas berat2 buat pitnes, gak jadi gara2 sakit kepala, berasa ditusuk2 jarum, dan menggigil dari pagi yang bikin badan gemeteran, tiba2 nerima telpon dari salah seorang teman. Dia ngajakin ketemuan besoknya, nanya pake whatsapp, udah bales, tapi ternyata gak nyampe. Rrrr, whatsapp pegimane sih?

Dan ternyata dia nawarin gw, sesuatu. Ehm, sekali lagi, SESUATU. Enak yah ternyata ngomong sesuatu, muahhahahahaha... Eniwei, enihau, enihuu, dia nawarin SESUATU yang lumayan menggiurkan. Tapi ada cacat sih di tawaran dia, kalo gak berhasil, gw mati banget. Akhirnya, karena sedang galau dan emosi dan labil macem abege, gw ambil tawaran itu, dengan pemikiran... eh nggak deng, gw gak mikir. Keputusan yang murni dibuat pake emosi, gak pake logika. Yah maklum yah, namanya juga perempuan. *siul2sumbang

Pas lagi di jalan, lagi di tol, gw baru mikir. "Eh mati, kalo rencana ini gak berjalan lancar, I lose almost all the things I've got". Mau batalin, gengsi, nanti dikira cupu. Jadi ya udah, stick to the plan aja, gagal apa nggak, liat nanti. Dan besoknya kita berdua jadi ketemuan. Buat ngomongin rencana dia, dan rencana gw, dan rencana kita berdua. Dan ternyata ada sedikit perubahan rencana, yang bikin gw gak mati2 bangetlah kalo gagal, cuma mati perlahan2. Eh gak ngepek yah? Sama aja yah?

Tapi ada yang bikin gw agak yakin, gw nanya ke temen kantor gw si Ripki, nanya apakah rencana ini cukup oke, dia bilang oke. Coba aja dulu, katanya, ini oke koq. Nanya ke temen gw yang satu lagi, si Mirabi, yang selama ini selalu menentang rencana bunuh diri gw, yang gw yakin banget dia bakal gak setuju, ternyata dia setuju! Agak diluar dugaan, tapi dia ngedukung banget. Jadi bikin gw makin yakin, it's worth a try.

Sekarang cuma bisa pasrah, gagal atau berhasil, apapun hasilnya, semoga nanti masih bisa mikir "this is what's best for me according His decision". Jadi rencana grasak grusuk ini, rencana tabrak lari ini, rencana bunuh diri ini, gw pasrahin aja, pasrah sepasrah2nya. Terserah deh Tuhan, saya nurut aja. Mau dihempas kemana aja, gimanapun caranya, sesakit apapun nantinya, jika Kau pikir ini yang terbaik, saya nurut ajah. Gak bisa ngapa2in juga.

But before You do that,
please please please,
You must be really, REALLY sure
this is what's best for me.
And after that,
gimme strength,
to get through it.

yuk melangkah...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jason Mraz - Mr. Curiosity

Hey Mr. Curiosity
Is it true what they've been saying about you,
well are you killing me?
You took care of the cat already
And for those who think it's heavy
Is it the truth
Or is it only gossip?
Call it mystery or anything
Just as long as you call me
I sent the message on did you get it when I left it?
Said well this catastrophic event
It wasn't meant to mean no harm
But to think there's nothing wrong is a problem

I'm looking for love this time
Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry
This love is a mystery
Mr. Curious...

Come back to me

Mr. waiting ever patient can't you see
That I'm the same the way you left me
In a hurry to spell check me
And I'm underlined already in envy green
And pencil red
And I've forgotten what you've said
Will you stop working for the dead and return
A Mr. curious well I need some inspiration
It's my birthday and I cannot find no cause for celebration
The scenario is grave but I'll be braver when you save me
From this situation laden with hearsay, oh

I'm looking for love this time
Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry
This love is a mystery
Mr. Curiosity
Hey mr. please
Do come and find me

I'm looking for love this time
Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry
(Trying not to ask why)
Cause love is a mystery
Mr. curiosity
Be Mr. please
Do come and find me

Love is blinding when your timing's never right
Oh but who am I to beg for difference
Finding love in just instant
But I don't mind
Oh at least I've tried,
and I tried, I tried

This is one of the best that Mr. AtoZ wrote so far, and this is the song I love the most at this album Mr. A-Z, his second album. I don't really like his first album, maybe because I never listen to it carefully, but come on, that album was released when I was in SHS, when I prefer another genre of music. And I only like The Remedy and You and I Both from his first album. And the third album was great actually, quite great. But still, the second album is the best album I love the most... so far...

And this song, Mr. Curiosity, damn, I really can not find the right words to explain. Okay, the melody is just so hurting, you know the sound of the piano scratches your heart and leave it in pain. And Jason's voice is just so incredible. He sounds like so much in pain, and the opera part make it even more perfect. And the lyric is just so beautifully hurting. Damn. I love this song, a lot.